Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Questria Unponified (Sort of)

QuestriaAfter I posted about Pony Civil War rlier today itoccurredto me that we hadn't hrd from Questria's development tm for quite some time, and I decided to visit their website. Turns out that after Fighting is Magicwent kaput the devtm was rather shaken (as were many other fangame developers), and today they announced that Questria would no longer be a My Little Pony fangame, but take place within its own universe. As to whether or not Questria will still have ponies remains to be seen, but I hope that they do decide to stick with ponies. Hasbro can't exactly sue everything that contains ponies, right? That's like Mattel suing Matchbox because both of them make die cast toy cars.

So...yh. If Questria abandons ponies entirely, you won't be hring anything more about their game from this website. Hopefully that is not the case, but until the developers make things clr we'll just have to sit around and speculate.

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